Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alcohol causes hangovers and more...

Among the many things that you can find wherever you may go is alcohol - but there is more to alcohol than a beverage that causes a depressant effect to your body. To some, drinking alcohol is a way to escape; reduces or relieves stress; and in fact, some studies show that some alcohol is a medication to our body.

Saying these things don't mean to promote drinking, instead, telling you that drinking has become part of people's lives. The world may be made of different cultures, but one of its common denominators is drinking. To some, it is a practice that is a matter of their cultural and religious practice.

However, no matter what reason there is, excessive drinking come with strings attached, worst one being a hangover. This is an unpleasant physiological effect that is a result from heavy consumption of drugs, specially diuretic drug that is found in alcoholic drinks.

Yes, alcoholic drinks are diuretic. This means to say that it helps reduce the amount of water in your body, and should you end up vomiting that also DEHYDRATES your body.

Yes, alcoholic drinks are like cakes. Most of them are high in calories, that means excessive drinking results to WEIGHT INCREASE.

Yes, alcoholic drinks can generate internal disorders. These include high blood pressure, liver problems, and respiratory distress. Experiencing these weaken your immune system due to INTERNAL AILMENTS.

Yes, alcoholic drinks can cause aches and pains. Drinking too much hard liquors can cause a headache, and upset stomach, and creates the feeling of nausea. These feelings are part of what constitutes a HANGOVER.

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